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This section details the system configuration settings available in the JIWA 7 modules. The purpose of the settings is to provide flexibility and to satisfy the requirements for all the different types of businesses who use this software.

There are default values for each settings and these should be reviewed in conjunction with your Jiwa Solution Provider to ensure the results you want are being achieved. System settings are established for the system as a whole and for individual JIWA 7 modules. Some switches interact with switches in other modules and the combination affect the application in different ways. The settings can be modified as required and any changes can be viewed clicking Show Change Logs in the ribbon.

When making changes to settings, all forms impacted by those changes should be closed. After applying the changes, it may be necessary to logout of JIWA 7 and back in again for the changes to be applied.





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Bank Reconciliation

Cash Book



General Ledger



Job Costing

Landed Cost

Purchase Invoicing

Purchase Orders


Service Manager
